Reasons For Which a Will May Be Challenged

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A will can be overturned for various reasons. If the will is not written in accordance with the legal requirements, it can be overturned. For example, if the signatures of the witnesses are incorrect or certain forms are incorrect, the will can be overturned. There are many more reasons why, will contesting process QLD.

One of the main reasons why a will can be contested is the lack of mental capacity of the testator. If it can be proven that the person who left the will was mentally incompetent at the time of leaving the will, the will can be overturned. That is why proof is required from professional doctors who sign that the person suffered from some mental illness or had dementia. A will can also be overturned if it is proven that the person who wrote the will did so under duress or fraud.

Will Contesting Process QLD

It is certain that when a person writes a will in these conditions, he does not make decisions that he would otherwise make. Also, if it is proven that the testator was under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or other substances that interfere with the ability to make correct decisions at the time of writing the will, the will, will be annulled. Another reason for invalidating a will is evidence of forgery. If there is solid evidence of this, as well as evidence of destruction of the original will, then the will, will be overturned.

These are some of the basic reasons why a will can be overturned. If you have any of these reasons for contesting a will, be sure to seek help from a lawyer who can help you with the will contesting process QLD.